What are the various causes of Orofacial Pain?

Orofacial pain is related to any pain felt in the mouth, jaws, or face. It is a common condition that can be acute or chronic, depending on the pain source. Orofacial pain might not result from one reason, as it could be a fusion of various other issues stemming from the oral cavity. Here are some possible causes of orofacial pain. 


· Gum Disease

An infection generally causes gum diseases in the gum tissue due to poor oral health. If this is left untreated, it can develop into a periodontal disease that can cause irreversible damage to the gum tissue. This can cause pulsating orofacial pain typically originated from the front of the face. 


· Pulpitis

This is the infection in the pulp tissue inside the tooth roots. This can raise pain from the jaw to temples with sharp or dull shoots of pain. If the infection spreads, the condition gets worse where it can damage the nerves, so the patient might not feel any pain. 


· Bruxism

Excessive teeth grinding can cause dental damage and TMJ fatigue that can cause Bruxism. Patients who grind and clench their teeth often, might face many instances of orofacial pain. Another symptom of Bruxism is experiencing dull headaches. Other than that, tooth decay and dental abscess are some common conditions that can cause orofacial pain. 


There are various treatment options available for curing the pain, and the general procedures are using analgesics, topical anesthetic rinse, antimicrobial rinse, or therapeutic surgery for a dental operation, etc. If you are experiencing unpleasant dental or facial pain, contact Marietta Family Dental Solutions to diagnose the cause of Orofacial pain, regardless of the pain source


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